Wednesday 30 May 2012

Tiffany is here!

Tiffany is a Singer. No, not the 80's pop sensation. Tiffany is what I call my recently purchased Singer 7258 Stylist computerized sewing machine. My decision to buy it was based on Amazon's flattering reviews, topped with the really cute colour which reminds me of a Tiffany box, hence the name. 

This machine is extremely adorable, reasonably priced and very easy to set up. Some of Tiffany's best features include an automatic threader, programmable needle position, and see through drop-in bobbin. It provides 100 built in stitches and also came with 10 presser feet - 10! I can't wait to try them all out. 

Tiffany is my new best friend and I'm sure we'll spend countless hours of crafting time together. 

Happy Sewing!


  1. That looks like a very nice sewing machine and Singer has been around for generations so it should be good value.

    I'm afraid I was a bit nervous about getting a computerized machine when I bought my second one early last year. I really wanted one with a walking foot for sewing through all the layers in my bags and for quilting, so I bought a reasonably simple Janome. I think it will be adequate when I have to get rid of my big Bernina one day.

    Happy sewing!

  2. I really wanted a Janome but it is quite pricey. Berninas are expensive too and based on the reviews I read they last forever. I heard that Berninas are the Mercedes Benz of sewing machines : )

    My other machine is also a Singer and it has been a good machine. I guess I just couldn't pass up the great deal from Amazon, and the colour is just lovely.

  3. Perfect name for a cute machine. Have fun, Virns. Happy for u that u found a passion in sewing.

  4. That looks like a great sewing machine! YAY for you!!! I need a new one so bad. I have one right now from my husbands Grandma. Thanks so much for sharing at Thursday's Temptation.

  5. Tiffany looks pretty awesome! I'm jealous of the 10 presser feet. I recently acquired a Brother Sew Easy 60 stitch computerized machine that didn't come with that many feet. I did a lot of research on Amazon. I'm a beginning sewer and this is all new to me, but oh so addictive! My Aunt has this beautiful vintage Singer sewing machine that my grandmother had used. I definitely want one of those!

    I will definitely keep checking back with your blog. Seems really great. You are welcome to visit my page anytime!


  6. i do my sewing by hand cause i still cant afford to buy a sewing machine...this one looks great!
    happy sewings...cant wait to see your projects!

  7. I love mine! thanks for stopping by my blog - wanted to do the same~~

  8. This makes me feel better! :) I'm following you too now!
