Sunday 27 May 2012

virna: sassy sewer

I am the sewer among the craftmates on this blog. 

I love to sew because it relaxes me, keeps me focused and provides a soothing effect on me. At the same time, it gives me  a sense of challenge and accomplishment. When I am sewing a difficult project, I sometimes go through a gamut of emotions - frustration (when I can't figure out a pattern and I have to do math), anticipation (when I envision the finished project), disappointment (when it doesn't turn out the way I want it) , excitement and pride (when I finally see the end result). Nothing really beats the thrill of finishing a project and knowing that you've created something from your own hands (er….. machine). 

My recent owl plushie project
I got into sewing when my husband suggested that I take up a hobby. I didn't know what I wanted to do because I am a bit lazy (okay, I'm really lazy!). I love fabrics – the design, colour, feel and texture, so naturally, I gravitated towards sewing. I bought a sewing machine and signed up for a class.

My first sewing project was a disaster. I picked a pattern for a pajama bottom because I figured it was easy and simple to do. I was wrong! I had to rip out the stitches several times because I was sewing it the wrong way. By the time I was done, it looked like a rundown rag. My teacher said I should practice more (Duh!). I wore that pajama bottom proudly for two months until it started fraying and my husband asked me to throw it out.

I have since progressed to making bags and zippered pouches although I still consider myself a beginner sewer. My ultimate goal is to design and make my own clothes. I know that would be a long way off as I still have a lot to learn (and did I mention that I am lazy?!). For now, I enjoy sewing small and simple things. 
Cow girl costume I made for a farm-themed party

My recent projects include throw pillow covers, an owl plushie, and a coffee cozy from tutorials I found on the internet. I am grateful for these tutorials as they are an invaluable tool for newbie sewers like me. I hope that I will be able to one day share a tutorial on this blog.

Welcome to craftmates!



  1. Virna, so glad you and your fellow crafters have started a place to show off your talents! I'm going to add you to my blog roll so I can check back often! You all have gorgeous work and a fun variety :)

  2. You look a lovely bunch of ladies! Well done with your sewing, Virna! You will find so many helpful tutorials on the internet. As someone who is new to sewing, my advice would be to start with simple projects and build up your skills as you go. The main thing is to ENJOY what you do!

    Good luck

  3. Wonderful start to your sewing, Virna. Carla over at My 1/2 Dozen Daily self taught herself a mere year ago...I can't wait to see your journey to better and bigger creations ! As I said, I do cherish the coffee cosy you made for me. xxx

    "Just Me"

  4. I can share in so many of these feeling and thoughts about sewing and learning to sew! I am excited because I can feel that I have come so far in the 2 years I've been sewing, but I still have sooo much to learn it is quite dizzying! Like you, I'd love to make my own clothes. That still feels a long way off, but I've learnt that for me it's best to progess little by little to avoid getting disheartened. I need to get the satisfaction of making something I feel proud of in order to motivate me to continue.

    Your owls are super cute!
