Monday 6 August 2012

calder, phineas and ferb

There's an adorable boy from my daughter's Grade 1 class who would speak to me in an grown-up like manner  every time he asked about my availability to do his birthday cake.  I enjoyed these talks about size, design and flavours and I'd forget that it's a 6 year old I was having  these discussions with.

Last year, Calder asked me to do a Phineas and Ferb cake. Phineas and Ferb is an animated show on the Disney Channel, one that I enjoy watching too, as an adult, so I was happy to oblige.

All characters including Perry the Platypus and the tree are edible.

I was very proud that I made Calder a very happy boy on his birthday.  He still thanks me for this cake to this day, every time I run into him in the school hallway, the gentleman that he is.

Now sing, everyone!

♫♪..Finding a dodo bird, painting a continent or driving your sister insane... as you can see, there's a whole lot of stuff to do before school starts this fall... So stick with us 'cause Phineas and Ferb are gonna do it all....!♫♪

Have a sweet week!


  1. WOW!! That looks fabulous! I could never do that in a million years! If you were in my area you'd be making our cakes as well!! ;)

  2. That is awesome! (I can't believe you don't have a zillion comments on this!!).

    You are one very talented lady. I'm following now :). Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Oh wow this cake is amazing! My little boy would go crazy for it, fantastic work.

  4. Holy cow!!! This cake is truly amazing! You are exceptionally talented!

  5. Wow, you make amazing cakes! Thanks for sharing on Marvelous Mondays!

  6. Absolutely awesome. You are AMAZINGLY talented!! Thanks so much for linking up last week!!

