Wednesday 8 August 2012


Well, my plan to do some sewing this weekend did not really happen. Instead, I just took it easy and had a relaxing time at the beach. The break provided a welcome relief from the stressful week I had at work.  
Flip flops in the sand
I now feel more rejuvenated and ready to start more projects. I have quite a few lined up since I recently joined Swap-Bot and started swapping. 

Swap-Bot is an online community that facilitates group snail mail and internet swaps. You can read all about it here

My most recent swap was with someone from Taiwan who sent me some fabulous fabrics. In return, I swapped this tote bag I sewed  and a zippered pouch using the same fabric as the bag. From the response I got, it appears that we were both happy with what we each received. 

My favourite is the Little Red Riding hood fabric
More lovely fabrics
Before joining Swap-bot, I've never heard of ATC's. I actually had to google it to find out more about it. According to Wikipedia, Artist Trading Cards (or ATC's) are miniature works of art about the same size as modern baseball cards. 

Last week, I mustered enough courage to sign up for an ATC swap. The theme is paperdolls and here is what I came up with. 

For the background, I used different kinds of washi tapes to make it colourful and vibrant. I also used fabric on the doll's skirt and pop dots to attach the doll to the card and give it more dimension.  Finally, I added a brad with a flower on it to add a bit of whimsy. 

I need to take lessons from my fellow craftmate, Irma, as I still have a lot to learn when it comes to paper crafts which is her forte. 

I just hope that the person receiving my ATC will appreciate  the effort I put into it. 

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Pray do tell what beach relaxed you? LOL ! Love the project you made, very cute, Virna.

    1. I went to Crystal Beach by Fort Erie. One of these days, I'll come and visit you Cindy : )

  2. Virna, you are achieving so much, despite working as well as crafting! I loved the bags you've made recently and the swaps you are involved with are really interesting and motivating. Well done!
    Best wishes,
