Sunday 21 October 2012

Let's Paws Awhile

It has been a while since I featured my babies (i.e.,  Sam & Mambo) in the Craftmates blog. They lived in 2  rentals in different cities while we wait for our home to be built.  They had been wonderful throughout the entire process. 

My 2 gypsies en route to rental house number 2

Now that I am slowly settling in the new house, it is high time I "paws awhile" to reward Sam and Mambo for their patience (and "good boy"-ness) with their favourite treat, peanut butter biscuits.  I got the recipe from an amazing baker and blogger, Christina of Sweet Peas Kitchen.  If anyone wants to try it, below is link to the recipe:
Voila!  I was able to whip up this doggy-licious treats from scratch in a matter of 45 mins give or take.
Fresh off the oven
Although the only trick they know is “sit”, they show their appreciation in so many other ways.
Picture taken from our old home while we were packing
Enjoy your Sunday!


  1. Sam & Mambo are adorable, Aimee. I am sure they have you much more trained then just "sit", do they not? HA! I will add the recipe to my collection, thanks from the "Checkerboard Aussies", and share it with my Pet Lovers Group on FB. Lots of luck on your settling in, a big job that is in itself, never mind with all the life still needing to carry around it all.

  2. Sam and Mambo are so adorable. Such nice fur babies.

  3. Awww, what adorable fur babies. I bet they were very happy with such special home made yummies!
