Friday 11 January 2013

Dish Towels

I wanted to give my fellow craftmates something handmade for Christmas and I was having a hard time coming up with the idea as to what I should make. Then Aimee told me that she's running out of dish rags because Mambo usually chews on them. I then decided that kitchen towels would be the perfect handmade gift because they are practical, useful, and uhm...frugal.

I had a bunch of giant rick racks that I haven't used so I used them as embellishment for the towels. 

Here are the dish towels I made. 

Being the procrastinator that I am, I finished sewing these dish towels just before Christmas Eve. So Bebsy, if you are reading this, I owe you some dish towels because I didn't see you during the holidays. 

If you are an Ontario blogger, please check out Cindy's blog at "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard" as she is planning to host an Ontario Blogger Day. 

Till next time!


  1. I LOVE those dish towels, Virna. Another creative thrifty idea on your part. Procrastinator? you are not alone, I do that on a few things, the one mostly is the bookkeeping UGH ! Thanks for the SHOUT OUT, I hope we get a great response and meet some new Ontario fellow bloggers !

  2. These are so cute! I think dish towels make great gifts because they can be personalized AND they are functional!

  3. Lovely idea, Virna! Did you buy dishtowels and then embellish them or did you find the right kind of fabric and make them from scratch?

